Curriculum vitae
Name: Horaya Mustafa Ahmed Mustafa
Profession: lecturer of cultural anthropology
Place of work: Anthropology department - institute of African research
and studies- Cairo University.
Date of Birth:11/11/1979
Place of Birth: Cairo
Nationality: Egyptian
ID Number: 27911110100269
Address: Algarhy street , ALsafa wa Almarwa , A Lharam , Cairo
Mobile number: +201202924097
E-mail: &
Academic Qualifications
PhD in African studies from Anthropology department (2010)
institute of African research and studies, Cairo university ,Entitled:
cultural adaptation of poverty in squatters areas in Khartoum , a
field study in Khartoum city, Sudan.
Master in African studies from Anthropology department( 2007)
,institute of African research and studies, Cairo university ,Entitled:
Bushmen adaption to a unique environment , Kalahari desert .
Diploma in African studies " Anthropology" (June 2004) institute
of African research and studies, Cairo university.
Bachelor of Arts ,Anthropology department,(may 2001) faculty of
Arts ,Alexandria university , grade : very good.
Work experience:
(2002 - present) Institute of African research and studies ,
Anthropology department .
- Demonstrator of cultural anthropology( 2002- 2007)
- Assistant lecturer of cultural anthropology(2007-2010)
- Lecturer of cultural anthropology ( 2010 -present
Training courses :
Skills of effective teaching, Faculty and leadership
development center(FLDC , Cairo university.
University code of ethics , FLDC , Cairo university.
Problem - based learning process( plb) FLDC , Cairo
Communication skills in different learning style course,
FLDC , Cairo university.
Field experience:
Field researcher at the National center for social and
criminological research in 2002
Field study in squatters areas in Khartoum , Sudan 2009
Field study about immigrant Iraqis in Egypt 2007
Field studies in the popular areas in Alexandria
Field studies among Bedouin people in western desert of
Field study in Uganda 2014
Field study in Zanzibar, Tanzania
Field study in shrines of Egypt - Cairo and Aswan
Conference and seminars:
Post a research paper Entitled" Nile river in the Sudanese culture
" in the international conference entitled " Nile river in the African
cultures" January ,2011, Aswan city .
Post a research paper Entitled" sociocultural dimensions of
diseases in Africa" in the international conference entitled "
Health and disease in Africa" 2014, Aswan city
Post research paper entitled" the gift ;an anthropological vision
for insisting relations between Egypt and Sudan," in the
international conference entitled" the golden triangle -the potential
of integration and development" may 2012 ,in the institute of
African research and studies, Cairo university.
An abstract research entitled" cultural borders and Islam in
southern Sudan ;prospects and challenges" in the international
conference entitled under" Africa new perspective and held in 25-
27 may 2016 in the institute of African research and studies, Cairo
An abstract research entitled" Migration and ethnocentrism and
its effect on cultural identity; a field study among the Oromian
community in Egypt . in the international conference entitled
under" Language and identity in Africa in the current variables ,5-7
April, the institute of African research and studies, Cairo
An abstract research entitled" Resistance of Cultural Change" in
the 1th international conference ICCA, Paris, 2016
A workshop entitled " phenomenology and anthropology" under
implementation in September 2018
Experiences of training and teaching :
Training course entitled" Anthropology and our life" presented In
Bet Alsennary , Egypt, for a group of trainers , 2015
Training course entitled" General knowledge " for a group of
Egyptian employees in the Palace of culture in Cairo , October
Training course entitled" scientific writing "for graduate students
,in the institute of African research and studies Cairo university,
December 2016
Teaching by assignment of anthropology courses in the institute of
African research and studies in Aswan university
october_novemebr 2018.
Management experiences:
Work as vice president of quality project in the institute of African
research and studies , Cairo university . 2013.
Work in the development of the administrative apparatus of the the
institute of African research and studies , Cairo university . 2013